Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I say, we've lost him! Where for art thou J?

So, while Jamie is AWOL without computer, I thought I might fill in the empty dates with an entry about what's going on.

Well... after telling the film community of our imminent adventure, everyone is really encouraging and are totally rocking our world. The guys from 4Docs are getting involved against their better judgement and we have tons of emails and calls to get back to from numerous film-related sources. The journey is certainly beginning here! You can read Charlie from Channel 4's BLOG here.

I wrote to RR today in the vague hope he'll get my letters and maybe come down to a screening. We need a CiaV patron who loves what we're doing and can really draw attention to the films. Massive fingers crossed. I kinda thought Shane Meadows might be into it too. Maybe I'll look into it. In the meantime, I KNOW This Is England is gonna be great. Go to for more about his crazy world.


So much to do... so little everything.

KEEP SPREADING THE WORD... It reeeeeeaaaalllly helps!



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