Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Where's Jamie?

Hi Jamie... Andy from CANNESinaVAN here. I knew that this was the only way we could keep track of what you're up to until we're actually all in the van, driving through the French countryside. Man, this trip is gonna be cool!
So, Jamie's in NYC spreading the CiaV love while we're still in the big smoke trying to drum up support for our latest endeavour. Hopefully you've got here through the blog link on our website, but if not - where the hell have you come from?! Email us and let us know - twoblokes@cannesinavan.com.
Right now we're getting the films together from sources all over the shop. Time creeps on as always and we need to hit that 16th May deadline. Ouch.

Well, speak soon and enjoy.
Jamie - Make it count!


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