Friday, May 18, 2007

15:30, 18th May, 2007

So we are here.

Updating this blog is seriously hard, seeing as I don’t speak, or read French and for some reason all of the uploading stuff has turned all French. Argh.

We arrived two days ago. In the dead of night, or early morning. At our campsite. And made a total fucking ruckus of a noise.
It was pretty funny.

Cannes has come to us and we have come to Cannes.
We are not lost (which is good), because we spent a lot of time being very, very lost.

We still have no logo for the van but hey, last night we hit up the Quasette and showed the films tat we be packing.

In the middle of the street.
We tried it earlier on, on a side road and there were major technical hitches. The moral of the story is probably don’t do anything low-fi. If you’re going to do something this stupid, do it loudly.

Last night we had London Tonight following us around. We are the show tonight at 18:15pm. TV people are pretty odd, though quite sound.

As I just said, last night we screened things, people loved it, damn, even the police loved it. Everyone loved it. People actually stopped all their official crap and watched.

I have never been to L.A., or Hollywood, but I imagine that this is a hell of a lot cooler.

There were many ubiquitous celebrity folk around the place. Mostly looking smug.

Amongst other things, the highlights so far have to be:

i) getting here alive
ii) stuff only slightly going really wrong
iii) A helicopter took off from a yacht. Which is pretty cool,.
iv) a hoard of people taking flyers, reading them and asking things like “What?” or “Que?” and seeming interested by the bloody great yellow van blaring out films over the road
v) the fact that you can buy pizza on the campsite

Andy and I (mostly Andy) have spent the morning editing
the video footage that I have been shooting on the DV for the diary. The first posting is up. Which is cool.
So go and watch the footage.

The mountains here leave me wanting not to return to London.
I have that problem with mountains.

So far I have to say that its been a success. All of it.
All two days of it to date.
Even the bits that didn’t work.

Fuckin’ aye.

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