Monday, May 14, 2007

Jacques Bauer

I am now taking bets on whether this man is a fan of the Indy film scene

Less than 48hours to go and the Festival is looming like the Death Star.
Yesterday involved a lot of van-out-decking. Paint, curtains (obviously), turpentine in the finger nails, all that jazz. Plus a piece in the Sunday Times.

See, not lying.

Sharon Ward, the nice, loud (it's a good thing, she'll draw attention to us) woman who is making a documentary about Cannes in a Van and travelling down to the French Riviera with us, camera-and-assistant in-tow, did some filming and it was all a bit of a productive day.
The camera is freaking me out, but I’ll get over it.

So now I guess the blog (hopefully) ceases the rambling, and goes Diary.

So without further procrastinating…

14th May 2007, A DAY AND A HALF TO GO.


Tomorrow is the leaving-for-Cannes send off in Soho.
Otherwise known as a party.
The van is a variety of truly lovely looking colours
(yellow, green and orange, HELL YES!)

Hopefully the Gendarmerie Nationale will like our van a lot; it is possible that the colour combination alone will be enough to sway them towards our cause.

The Gendarmerie are outside the jurisdiction of the French National Police.
I don’t know what that means but it doesn’t sound good.

I am also aware that they have an elite counter-terrorism and hostage rescue unit.
A bit like a French Jack Bauer. Jacques Bauer for instance.

Also, they have a parachute squadron and a hoard of mobile armoured units, some with 90mm cannons. Our transit does not have cannons. However, I very much doubt that they have a projector and a bunch of kickass films. So if it comes down to it, clearly, we’ll win.

It is now wise to consider that the motif of the Gendarmerie is a grenade. Word.

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