Sunday, May 20, 2007

20th May 2007, 16:37

Have been without net for a bit. Connection here rubbish.
France is one of the first countries to have moved into a new special and super speedy internet connection and yet I see no sign of it.

Last night was our first proper total utter glorious success. We didn’t cock anything up. Nothing broke. A fairly large crowd emerged. People sat down and watched.
More clapping from the general public.

Right now Si is outside cutting up flyers in the sun. Andy is inside opposite me, tempting fate and wiring up a Playstation2 to the whole deal, so as to allow for another disk drive. This would allow us to cut down on the time it takes for us to shift from film to film inside the van. In aspiration of making the whole thing as seamless as possible.

Hopefully it will work. Time will tell.

Yesterday was fast paced as hell. I had the pleasure of playing a fine selection of punk very loudly (really, don’t underestimate the sound system) at people who looked a bit serious, which was total joy. The Culture show came down to film us. We will be on the telebox on Saturday. Their crew were lovely. I think they know how good they are. Which is fair enough. We were also interviewed by someone from the Times Online. Who asked me a question that I jibbered some shit out to, and Andy quite usefully saved it and gave a good stern answer.
Which was better than “umm”, which is a word I seem to specialise in.

I have not had much chance to train out here, karate and all that jazz, but I was talking to Si about it as a subject earlier and I am under the impression that he believes that I would loose in a fight to Big Daddy, whoever he may be. This is probably a fair statement, seeing as the dude is called Big Daddy, which being the most disturbing of names, probably makes him as dangerous as AIDS on a stormy night.

Anyway, enough of that. May the 36th Chamber protect me.

Si also managed to get us invited to a boat party. The party is on Monday night.

On a boat that “we can’t miss” if we go looking for it.
So says the Partner of a film financing company who invited us.
There is a lot of money here.
People may as well just staple dollars to their head and walk around.

The sign of the mega-rich? Ferrets. Watch day two of the video diary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love it... want to be there. steal the dollars, leave the staples